Friday, May 2, 2008


We're doing this in a place that's not designed to park cars. We don't have a big parking area and we don't know how many cars are coming so the parking is going to be squirrelly. Expect that and be patient. It's a good reason to come early. Park along that dirt road leading in but certainly don't constrict it. Instead of parking parallel, head in between the trees where you can - be thinking how you can help us fit the most number of cars along the road. We may be able to open up some parking down by the pond - if we can, we'll put up some signs. If you've having a major parking problem, call me on this cell number: 210-722-6522.


Glenn said...

Would the Christmas Tree lady let some people park there?

Hey I'll see you in a little bit. Soon as I get these boys ready.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.